Through my company Lexographic, I’m working with Timebanking UK to design and develop a brand new website, which we hope will go live in August 2020.
Timebanking UK (TBUK) is the national charity that supports time banks across the UK and promotes the concept of time banking itself. The new website will provide a wealth of resources on timebanking for general readers, time banks, sponsors and funding organisations. Available resources will include videos, infographics and case studies of people whose lives have been transformed by timebanking.
My job is to advise Timebanking UK staff on content, develop and maintain the content plan, edit all copy and to generally keep the project on track. Design and technical stuff is mainly handled by my business partner, James, working with TBUK staff.
We are planning to begin a second phase of development in Autumn 2020, once the new site has gone live. This will involve a dedicated area for member time banks, a discussion forum and online booking for training and events.
While working with Timebanking UK, I became interested in the potential of timebanking to build stronger communities and tackle social isolation, loneliness, poverty and mental ill-health. In 2019, I accepted an invitation from Timebanking UK to become a trustee of the charity.
To find out more about timebanking and TBUK, visit the charity’s old website (and you may get some idea why we’re replacing it).
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