• Out now: Winter 2024-25 issue of Healthcare Manager
    The latest issue of Healthcare Manager, the quarterly magazine for managers in the NHS and social care, is out now. This one turned into a bit of a ‘reform special’, with the fallout from the Darzi review into the state of the NHS (there’s a very good summary of Lord Darzi’s findings from the NHS… Read more: Out now: Winter 2024-25 issue of Healthcare Manager
  • Healthcare Manager — 2024 Election Special
    I’m editor of Healthcare Manager, the magazine published by Managers in Partnership (MiP), the trade union for NHS and social care managers.
  • Healthcare Manager magazine
    I’m editor of Healthcare Manager, the magazine published by Managers in Partnership (MiP), the trade union for NHS and social care managers.
  • From ground zero to net zero
    Published in Healthcare Manager 56, Summer 2023 Decarbonising healthcare will take everything we’ve got and affect everyone working in the NHS. But well-meaning national strategies are struggling to have much impact on the ground. I spoke to pioneering surgeon Aneel Bhangu about the barriers to change and ask why NHS staff and unions aren’t more… Read more: From ground zero to net zero
  • When work can be your lifeline
    Published in Healthcare Manager 55, Spring 2023 Domestic violence and abuse blights the lives thousands of NHS staff every year, and the problem has only got worse since the start of the pandemic. But work can be an important refuge and source of strength for people experiencing abuse, and good support from managers and employers… Read more: When work can be your lifeline